
mFem Crowd Energy

My basic agent energy for agent $a$ is kinetic energy

\[E(q^a) = \frac{1}{2}m\sum_{i=1}^{i=n}\frac{(x(q_i) - x(q_{i-1}))^2 + (y(q_i) - y(q_{i-1}))^2 + (z(q_i) - z(q_{i-1}))^2}{(t(q_i) - t(q_{i-1}))}\]

with equality constraints on the start and end points

\[A_{eq}q = b_{eq}\]

with inequality constraints on time intervals and end time

\[Aq = b.\]

To convert this into an mFEM format, we introduce edge lengthsh $s$ and $\lambda$ the lagrange multipliers as a variable.

The continuous energy

\[E = \int Psi(s(q)) - \lambda(q):(s(q) - Q(q))\]

where $Q$ is some functiono that extracts lengths from the positions $q$.

In the discrete setting

\[E = \sum_i \Psi(s_i) - \lambda:(s_i - Q(q_i)).\]

The updates to the mFEM algorithm are the following:

  1. Remove the procruste step
  2. Constrained global solve for $q, \lamda$ using PGS
  3. Backsolve for s